DNS Client
Simple DNS client based on unidns. Only TCP is supported currently! The DNS client is integrated into other functionalities within OctoPwn. In order to set a custom DNS resolver (other than the default provided by wsnet), you need to create a DNS session and set it as a default resolver for all future targets.
Getting started
- To create the DNS client, add the DNS server as target and create the client with the DNS server selected as target. You don't need to provide any credentials.
- In order to use the custom DNS client to automatically resolve IP addresses within OctoPwn you need to go to Global Settings > Set Resolver and enter the session id of your DNS client there.
Sends a single DNS query to the server, prints result to the console.
- name: The DNS name you wish to resolve.
- qtype: The query type. Supported query types are A/AAAA/PTR.
- search: search for a string what does this search?
resolvtargets ?
- targetspec:
- search:
- filename:
- store: