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Installing/deploying OctoPwn (all editions)

Octopwn is a versatile suite of tools with multiple startup options.

The best way to start using it depends on your starting environment, the target networks and the type of license you obtained.

Pro license, self-hosting

You must download the offline bundle zip file from our website from your account by clicking on the license you have purchased.

This bundle contains three files:

  1. This file contains the entire live website aka Octopwn. It is always the latest version. This also contains the and which are created for your user. The license you get from downloading this bundle works for one week, after which you must download the offline bundle again to continue using this product. (In the Enterprise edition, the license is valid for the full year).
  2. wsnet.exe This executable is a precompiled version of the WSNET proxy. This can be used to allow OctoPwn to perform network communication.
  3. zipserver.exe A simple webserver that is capable to serve files directly from a zip file, this is the compiled version of this project. It is used to "host" the file.

As you may have noticed, the offline bundle is geared towards Windows usage. This is because on other operating systems we recommend using the Python3 version of zipserver and wsnet. These can be easily precompiled to the target OS using pyinstaller.

Deploying the self-hosted version - Windows

Deployment of the self-hosted version is fairly simple.

  1. Start the zipserver which will host your own OctoPwn website. Command: zipserver.exe
  2. Start the WSNET proxy which will host the Websockets->TCP proxy. Command: wsnet.exe (Note: This command may change in the future.)
  3. Visit your own OctoPwn instance on http://localhost:8000

Deploying the self-hosted version - Other OS

When using the self-hosted version on operating systems such as Linux or Mac, you will need to decide wether you wish to install python3 or not (or maybe it's already installed).
In case you have python3 and can use pip, you can easily install the wsnet and zipserver utilities by typing

  • python3 -m pip install wsnet pyzipserver

In case you do not have python3 installed or you do not wish to use the pre-build packages, you will have to create your own binaries from the zipserver and wsnet packages yourself.

All license types (community included) - With Networking (Online)

  1. Execute any version of the wsnet proxy on the system you have direct connection to. This is usually your own computer, but it can be any other system as long as you can directly connect to the wsnet proxy's listening port. You have the option to change this port (and listen address) of the proxy on the startup screen of Octopwn.
  2. Visit the website, and log in with your credentials.
  3. When prompted, enter the address (hostname:port) of the wsnet proxy you started earlier. Depending on your setup, you might need to connect to the proxy via TLS, in this case prepend wss:// to the address, if you started the wsnet proxy without TLS, you will need to use ws://.


IMPORTANT: If you loaded the live version of OctoPwn via https, you can only connect to wsnet proxy over secure TLS connection, unless it's listening on localhost. But even in the latter case, you MUST use ws://localhost:port, not the IP.

All license types (community included) - Without Networking (Offline)

If you do not wish to use any of the network related functions of OctoPwn, you only need to visit the website and select the No networking option on the startup screen.

Remote version - Under development

Remote version allows the OctoPwn webUI to connect to a remote OctoPwn server. This version is currently not public and will be available in the beta version soon.