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OctoPwn comes with various scanner plugins, these can be operated with the same unified interface both via the UI or via the command line.


The actual parameters depend on the plugin type, but the most common parameters are credential, targets and proxy. Some scanner plugins do not need credential, in which case you will not see that parameter listed during setup.


The credential parameter takes an integer corresponding to the credentialId parameter form the credentials displayed in the Credentials Window.
Any credential you wish to use for scanning MUST be first stored in the Credentials Window


The targets parameter controls which hosts the scan job will be executad against.
This parameter is quite special as it can take different input values.

Using stored targets

In case you wish to specify a target which is stored in the Targets Window you can do so by entering the targetId of the corresponding target. If succsessful, the targetId will be resolved to the correspondint target's IP or Hostname.
There is one shortcut which is the control word all which will add all targets stored in the Targets Window to the list of targets in the scanner options table.

Using IP addresses

If you wish to scan one IP address or a range of IP addresses, you can enter it directly to the target field, there is no need to create separate targets in the Targets Window. For IP ranges, this parameter accepts CDIR notation.

Using target list files

If you wish to scan a list of targets from a text file, you can simply enter the targets file name, but be careful the file must be located in the work directory of OctoPwn which is by default the /volatile mount point.


The proxy parameter takes an integer corresponding to the proxyId parameter form the credentials displayed in the Proxy Window.
Any credential you wish to use for scanning MUST be first stored in the Proxy Window.
IMPORTANT: If you are using the webassembly based OctoPwn version (eg. from the browser) there must always be either one proxy with the id of 0 set OR a proxy chain created from the Proxy Window but all of the chains must start with the proxyID of 0!

Operating via UI

After loading any scanner plugin you will see a Parameter Table that lets you control all aspects of the scan job.
You can modify the parameters by left-clicking on the value field and edit the current value then either hit enter button or click on the small save button below the parameter value editor.
Once all parameters set up you will see a button SCAN which will start the scan job.
Hitting the STOP button will terminate the scan job.

Operating via terminal

In case you are a fan of terminals, OctoPwn has you covered! All aspects of the scan job can be controlled from the terminal, in a fashion which closely resembles a certain well known tool starting with meta.
To list the scan parameters, you can use the options command. All available parameters will be printed out in a neat table.
To set a given scan parameter, you can use the set command. To start the scan job you can use the scan command.